The billions of dollars they have invested in super don and the jared and the ivanka and the billions of dollars more to come. It's all about the money going to the super don and his kids. The Saudis are richer than kingdom come and they lavish their billions on super don. What is he supposed to do? Cut them off just because they're murderers and torturers and butchers and caused 9/11? Well at least 15 of the 19 terrorists on 9/11 were SAUDIS! For that we hold their hands and kiss their butts and help concoct a coverup story to mask butchering and dismembering? Boy oh boy have enough money and you will be able to buy the dregs of humankind to do whatever you want done. So what, right? Who gives a rat's a**, right? No skin of our nose so none of our beeswax, right? Different strokes, right? I guess.