Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You agree it's a lie but you "buy" it (wink wink wink) to preserve a relationship. Money talks big and covers up everything. Like it?

You agree it's a lie but you "buy" it (wink wink wink) to preserve a relationship. Money talks big and covers up everything. Like it?

Jared and the  savage barbaric despotic dictator Saudi Crown Prince are best buds. Nothing goes on in Saudi Arabia of which the hotheaded princy poo is unaware. Plus which there is ostensibly billions of dollars on the table vis a vis buying stuff and selling stuff and why would we the great and glorious US of A give that up just because of something so dumb as honor/integrity/morality? Plus which the US guy who calls all the shots has personal monetary interest as does his kids. Bigly interests. The bad butcher guy is very rich and spends bigly amounts of money on the butcher-loving guy who calls all the shots and has  lavished billions of bucks on the butcher-loving guy and his family for years. Why upset the applecart in favor of doing what's right? I mean c'mon business is business and money is the main  thing, the sacred thing. the only thing. So we/they/he will buy whatever lie is necessary to make things okay and then we move forward and pretend it never happened? With all the carnage going on all over the world what's the value of the life of one person in the grand scheme of things? A momentary blip. We'll get over it. Right ?

Posted - October 21, 2018
