Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It seems odd to sign a contract for the end of something that hasn't begun. YEA Pre-Nup! At life's beginning do we contract for its ending?

It seems odd to sign a contract for the end of something that hasn't begun. YEA Pre-Nup! At life's beginning do we contract for its ending?

A pre-nup sets the stage for the ending. I guess someone who got taken to the cleaners financially bigly decided to protect himself futurely and thus pre-nup was born. I wonder if pre-nups create more problems than they prevent? It's just the way the world is. Anticipate the best but always prepare for the worst so you know how it will end before you begin. I suppose that makes sense. SIGH.

Posted - October 21, 2018


  • 6098
    Haha we know how our life is going to end so we don't need a contract!   But realistically I think it is rather self-defeating to term a relationship or marriage a "failure" only because it did not last "forever".  If there were positive things about it for us or as a couple it was not at all a failure so why judge ourselves?  Some people stay together and hate every minute of it and just die inside.  I don't think that is preferable to breaking up.  A Pre-nuptial agreement simply voices suspicion of the legal system which of course is not going to be perfect.  So why not try to protect ourselves from it if we can and want to? 
      October 21, 2018 8:26 AM MDT