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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's the RIGID SCRIPT. When someone asks a question that ticks some folks off they attack the questioner. What do they gain by that?

Here's the RIGID SCRIPT. When someone asks a question that ticks some folks off they attack the questioner. What do they gain by that?

They get cheers and hurrahs from all the others who can't answer the question either and so they too attack the questioner. It is no-win for the attackers since it makes them look very weak and ill-informed and ill-bred and well just not too savvy.  The same folks keep doing it repeatedly. I guess that's the best they can do when they want attention and care not how they go about it. And so it goes. Then when some others folks do answer the question the attackers attack them too. Jealousy perhaps? I dunno. T'is a puzzlement.

Posted - October 22, 2018
