Seems to me if the hoped for and anticipated BLUE WAVE turns purple or BLOOD RED super don will show us what he is really made of and just do it! One by one his "enemies" will simply evaporate mysteriously. Now you see them. Now you don't. He will become more energized and bold. Attacking insulting and lying about those who don't kiss his corpulent arse will no longer be enough for him. He will wish his enemies to a "cornfield" and be done with them. Is a purple or BLOOD RED wave possible? Oh my yes. The Kickapoo Joy Juice victory woke up many of the sleeping and they will vote with joy to keep the present power in office. By any means necessary. It could either be a victory for starting a zillion investigations into the corruption of the current administration and starting the impeachment process or it could be a victory for the powers that be and we will not have more of the same. We will witness a doubling down or multiplying by tenfold or both simultaneously. Beware. Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.