Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Howya gonna celebrate? When the last immigrant is GONE/wall built America will be CRIME-FREE! Champagne? Imported or domestic?
You don't imbibe in bubbly lavender? It tickles your nose and your throat as you swallow it and you become very bubble too! I remember Kool-Aid as a kid. Isn't that what Jim Jones had he adoring worshippers swallow to carry up to God? It was laced with poison of course. They did as they were told. They did not question him. They worshipped him. Such is the end of those who worship mortal men. A lesson one finds in the Twilight Zone. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
I don't care for champagne. I will have an occasional glass of Merlot, and when I have gone to Bodega Bay, I will buy some hard apple cider, but that's about it for me anymore.
I had forgotten all about Jim Jones and the Kool-Aid. That was beyond horrible. I remember it on the news when I was a teen, and how tragic and disturbing that was to watch. Very sad. There was also Heaven's Gate with pudding. Crazy.
L. Ron Hubbard and his wackadoodle Scientology wrecked many lives and many families. Worshippers of Hitler were reviled despised hated. It isn't easy for worshippers of evil mortal humans but it is their choice to follow whomever they choose and when they do they deserve whatever comes with it. I think. Thank you for your reply lavender and for the "have a good day" too! :)