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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » OF COURSE trumpicans will reject any suggestiom that the dippidy doo has anything to do with the increase in VIOLENCE! WHY?

OF COURSE trumpicans will reject any suggestiom that the dippidy doo has anything to do with the increase in VIOLENCE! WHY?

Because they know dam* well he will track them down and DESTROY them! He will double down on them insult them attack them crush them. They are terrified of him. No one else is just them.  Why are they(pray tell) so certain he will make their lives HE** on earth unless they obey his every command?

Posted - October 28, 2018


  • 46117
    Why would anyone with a brain, including the NEWS and media, even consider a retort any longer.  

    We are speaking to our own base.  They are speaking to theirs.  No one can get through to them because they are not hearing a word.  Yet, we persist in using the same tactics which do not work, over and over again.

    They are going to say we are the problem and we are going to say they are.   The problem is that this Hattfield vs. McCoy mentality is going to get us killed.  

    Who cares if the Earth is burning and global warming is real if someone we hate is pro Climate Change acceptance?  Not anyone on the Trump camp.  

    They make no sense but think the economy is thriving due to Trump.  That is the strongest wall they have and they may just keep all the seats they have and more because of that very platform.

    How do we combat that lie?  Or is a lie?  

      October 28, 2018 11:44 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I can only speak for myself Sharon. A lie unchallenged is a lie embraced. If we just give up attacking the dippidy doo back and calling him out on every lie every time then we have ceded the country to him. Whether it does any good or not isn't the point. Silence implies agreement doesn't it? When I don't agree I say so. Whether anyone is listening or not. I say so for me because I will not stay silent in the face of evil and vile and corrupt and traitorous. With my dyring breath I will call him out and not let him get away with it unchallenged. I cannot do otherwise. I know I can't change people's minds. I'm not attempting to do that. I just state what I think and that is enough for me. To stay silent because I just got tired of all the bullsh** lies is not my nature. SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :)
      October 29, 2018 4:48 AM MDT