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What do these Damien Rice lyrics from "Rat within the Grain" mean?

In my bed
Go rest your head
Upon the bones of a bigger man
He can cover you with rockwool
And you can close up like a clam

-From "Rat within the Grain"

The whole song is about the woman closing him out, so I get the closing up like a clam part, but what's the deal with the rockwool? 

Posted - August 21, 2016


  • Insipid rambling.

      August 21, 2016 9:01 PM MDT

  • 10052

    My interpretation is that she can go off to this guy who she thinks will be a better option for her, but he's just going to essentially shut her down, shut her up, and she will then close up like a clam... her real self, that is. Damien Rice seems to be a very deep, philosophical (and likely deeply disturbed, hehe) man. I don't think he'd be one for a fluffy sort of relationship, but wants to get down to it all... everything, what's in a woman's soul. This other man, in his eyes at least, would smother her soul, or maybe just wouldn't really care to know it.  Rock wool is used for soundproofing. Make sense? 

    I actually went on your profile to ask you a question about a friend of mine who is having a hard time opening an account here. She deleted a while back and wants to rejoin, but is having trouble setting up an account. I told her I would inquire. PM me when you get a chance. I know you're a busy woman! :)

      August 22, 2016 8:47 PM MDT

  • 10052

    P.S - Thank you for posting this, I'd forgotten how much I LOVE this song!! 

      August 22, 2016 8:50 PM MDT

  • 99

      August 24, 2016 2:28 AM MDT

  • 7939

      August 24, 2016 9:23 AM MDT

  • 46117

    It's insulation

    She can hide and isolate herself within. 

      August 24, 2016 9:28 AM MDT