I expect they will be putting their lives on the line to do so. I expect they will be eating turkey sandwiches on Thanksgiving because I doubt that the hordes of murderers will be there yet. Well now. Isn't that a swell place to spend a holiday? When will that particular Armageddon take place and how many will die? Whatever day it is will become another day to celebrate and commemorate our ability to slaughter immigrants at will by order of the Commander in Chief. Who by the way hasn't said diddly about the marauders since election day. You are still scared sh**less right? Of course you are. Well after we tally the dead we will know how many babies, infants, toddlers, little kids corpses there are among the women and old and infirm. A prideful thing to know how many we kill. Hopefully none of our brave soldiers will die. I wonder if the massive hordes of murderers are armed as well as our troops? I can hardly wait for the confrontation, can you too...not hardly wait?