Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Does everyone NOT KNOW that a bit** is a female dog? That people who complain are bit**ing? Where is the CURSE word therein?

Does everyone NOT KNOW that a bit** is a female dog? That people who complain are bit**ing? Where is the CURSE word therein?

Are they unable to afford a dictionary so when they are in doubt about what a curse word is/is not they can look it up? Now if you call someone a bit** you are saying that person is malicious/unpleasant/selfish. None of those are curse words. If you say something was a bit** to accomplish you are saying it was very tough/difficult/hard to do. None of those are curse words. Some folks even use it to mean  "memorably good" as in "that party he threw was a bit**". Or "your dress is bit**in!" It can also mean to bungle, screw up as in "he bit**ed the job completely".  Wherever did anyone think the word is on a par with real CURSE words?

Posted - November 18, 2018


  • 35005

    Definition of b***h 

    1the female of the dog or some other carnivorous mammals

    2 a often offensive: a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman —sometimes used as a generalized term of abuse

    b often offensivea lewd or immoral woman

    3: often offensivesomething that is extremely difficult, objectionable, or unpleasant


    Unless someone is speaking literally of a female dog.....yes it is cursing. It may or may not be as bad as other curse words but it is a curse word regardless.

    This post was edited by my2cents at November 18, 2018 11:31 AM MST
      November 18, 2018 11:29 AM MST