Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Melania was MIA for awhile after hubby became prez. She just fired one of his employees! Did she get his permission first?
No. She has no business firing anyone. She is not legally allowed. What a joke in this demented Administration.
Anyone can get away with anything as long as they have Trump by the shorthairs.
She has more dirt on Trump than anyone. He can't hurt her because she has his son. They are tied together in the most unholy relationship and whatever she says goes.
This disgusting feckless golddigger does nothing at all to contribute anything of any merit to the White House and she is prancing around firing someone?
She probably has zero clue what the woman's job even is.
I cannot stomach Melania Trump and just wait until he gets dumped from the White House. See how far and fast she runs.
Not that I know of m2c and I'm not exactly sure why she fired the woman. Melania is in the east wing and the prez is in the west wing and I think the staffs work independently of each other BUT they work together and cooperate with one another. It had something to do with a trip and how Melania's staff was treated but I'm not clear on the circumstances. I remember when President Reagan had some guy on his staff named Don Regan (sp?) and Nancy didn't like him at all because she felt he was undermining or at least not helping her husband. You know Nancy was a tigress protecting her husband. I admired that but she didn't fire anyone on his staff. She just used wifely influence. I don't know of any other First Lady that would do such a thing. It's curious. It seems it was because someone on her staff was slighted or she was? At any rate from living in New York for a few months so Barron could complete his schooling and not participating much when she got to D.C. for quite a long while all of sudden she fires a person on the staff of the prez and then does a press release stating that the woman did not deserve the honor of serving in the White House. Seems very strange. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
As I understand it there were issues on the Africa trip and it is believed the woman was also the source for several leaks. The news has reported the woman is hard to get along with.