Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The john of don supporters believe (as he believes) that the don is an A++++++ prez. The rest of us give him an F------! The mid-point is?
This is not a President. He has not done one thing that did not wind up harming many to benefit some stupid scheme he is running to make himself more rich and powerful.
People who like him are deluded and deserve this pig until they learn and wake up. Like him, it will never ever happen so it's time to put him to rest already.
He veers (in my opinion) between stupid dumb awful ignorant inept incompetent worthless to stupider dumber evil traitorous treasonous monstrous. I guess it's hard to find a mid-point therein since stupid dumb is the basis for everything associated with the john of don. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)