Why must we comply with rules and regs of "decorum" others set up for us. Who made them boss? We differ on many things in many way. We don't agree. We agree. Which it is at the moment. What's the problem? You own a sugar company. I am a foe of sugar and I say so 24/7. To what lengths will you go to discredit me? That's how life works these days. When anyone says anything they don't like they go after them. Lie about them. Try their very best to undermine them. That is what the john of don does all the time to the journalists and to the Justice Department. He DEMANDS agreement and being sucked up to and when he doesn't get it he attacks. All his subordinates underlings and especially his toady sycophants do likewise. Is that a way to run a country? Does that ring your chimes and float your boat? I don't get it. Everyone has right to an opinion. Now dissidents in countries where despots dictators FASCISTS rule will be murdered and even dismembered. It is simply the way the world works and you either support it or don't.