McRaven said that the john of don's attitude toward the media constitutes "perhaps the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime". When John Brennan's Security Clearance was revoked McRaven said he wanted his revoked too as did others to stand in solidarity with him. So a big hate rises in the predictable john of don and he rises to the occasion by his usual doubling down, hitting back, showing how presidential he be. Dat be da man what can and am..
The john of don said McRaven is a Hillary Backer. WHAT? If true what the he** does that have to do with ANYTHING? The john of don is so obsessed with his sweet Old self that he cannot abide not being kissed upside one side and downside the other side.
First he demeans the GOLD MEDAL FAMILY
Next he demeans McCain
Now he demeans McRaven
The john of don has a BIGLY problem with military heroes. Perhaps because he doesn't have what it takes to shine their shoes let alone earn their respect?