Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Did Chris Wallace actually say the john of don was a "BEACON OF REPRESSION" on his own or was he quoting someone who did? BEACON GOOD?

Did Chris Wallace actually say the john of don was a "BEACON OF REPRESSION" on his own or was he quoting someone who did? BEACON GOOD?

Beacon light way in dark. Beacon good. All say so. SIGH

Posted - November 19, 2018


  • 46117
    He kept telling Trump off and Trump pretended to be oblivious and just kept talking over him.  I'm sure Chris Wallace will never get another interview.

    No loss.  Just a bunch of bull.  

    The crack about Obama and finding Bin-Ladden FASTER himself… 

    Rosie, just when I think I cannot feel anymore burning loathing for this man, he manages to show me I am wrong.    HE keeps hitting new lows.  How low can someone go? What depths can he reach still?  

    He has six weeks to really cause damage only Trump can cause.  Hang on to your seat belt.

    I talk with my neighbor next-door who cannot stand Trump as much as we do.    She is a practicing Catholic and goes to church every Sunday and is very Christian-like. A lovely person.  She says to me:  When is somebody going to just take him out already?  

    He is turning good people into assassin wanna be's.   This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 20, 2018 4:20 AM MST
      November 19, 2018 8:49 PM MST

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) Furst things furst Sharon. The hugs are for hanging in at the same level and not letting folks tell you to just shut the F up! Good for you. He is the most loathesome maggot the world has ever produced. He gets more maggotty daily. We call him out on it. Some folks avoid politics altogether and anything to do with the john of don they will not touch. Different strokes. His lowest low will never be reached because there he is a bottomless pit of evil cruel. "Enough already" folks will say to thee and me. I say "look on your own plate and leave mine alone"! Every day in every he does more evil and every day in every way I will call him on it relentlessly and endlessly. As for someone taking him out I imagine he travels with a retinue of sharpshooters so no one dares try. What I don't understand is how folks we thought were the "good" guys could possibly stomach him much less support him. Go figger! Oh. I'm gonna email you about something you may have already guessed. Not for the general public. But I want you to know for sure!  Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 20, 2018 4:43 AM MST
      November 20, 2018 4:25 AM MST