Apparently daughter IVANKA did the exact same thing in 2017! Used her private email to send information about political things to her staff and others. It's all fixed now. All of those emails have been transferred to the government site so they will be preserved as is the law. Either she thought she was special and daddy wouldn't mind or she is ignorant and had no clue what the chants of LOCK HER UP pertained to and how daddy dearest wants to send Hillary to prison for using her private email for government business STILL TODAY AND KEEPS HARPING ON IT! I guess Ivanka tunes him out and never listens to a word he says. Does she even attend those rallies? It's a strange world. Weird. Odd. Bizarre. Wackadoodle. One person does something and gets vilified crucified. Another person does the exact same thing and no one gives a rat's a**. Some folks slide through life and some crawl and struggle and fight. That's life folks!. SIGH.