Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I LOVE good deals. I LOVE wall maps of the world or the US. I LOVE some magazines. Could you resist this?

I LOVE good deals. I LOVE wall maps of the world or the US. I LOVE some magazines. Could you resist this?

I currently subscribe to TIME magazine, the SMITHSONIAN, SIERRA CLUB and THE NATURE CONSERVANCY. I get bombarded with pitches from other magazines with enticing offers and usually return address labels already included in the envelope. So far I even 15 Christmas cards...5 each from 3 different magazines.

Now Ron Howard  has a new series on National Geographic channel about MARS . He included having astrophysicists as part of the show for their input and then the story is told. I haven't seen it yet but am recording the series. It's on Monday nights at 9pm pacific coast time.

Here's what I got in the mail yesterday. A sales pitch from National Geographic with the "gifts" of a  US Wall Map and a tote bag and 13 issue of the magazine. They say the full up price is $143.76. I will get a "welcome back" discount of $128.76. My "welcome back" rate will be $15! Now could you RESIST that deal? Of course I'm gonna subscribe.

Posted - November 20, 2018
