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Allies/enemies. Allies/enemies. Allies/enemies. Over the years relations among nations is like MUSICAL CHAIRS. Fun or un?

Posted - November 20, 2018


  • 6023
    Thus George Washington's "farewell address" warning against foreign entanglements.
      November 20, 2018 8:10 AM MST

  • 113301
    Pretty smart dude wasn't he Walt? Well it gets kinda confusing trying to figger out who is friend or foe from day to day. What usta be isn't and what wasn't is but it is very unstable and subject to the pernicious erratic whim of him who conducts the orchestra. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
      November 20, 2018 8:14 AM MST

  • 6023

    Of course he was also the first President to disrespect our veterans.
    Remember?  He used troops to fire on and disperse veterans who were just protesting to demand the pensions they had been promised.

    Which, I always wondered about the mindset of those troops.
    I mean, I would be thinking:  "Wait.  If he orders us to use force against these troops, why should we believe the government will honor its promises to US?!?"

      November 20, 2018 8:55 AM MST

  • 113301
    I suppose if we look deep enough, dig deep enough we will always find things in folks that will disappoint us. The Founding Fathers were white wealthy and owned slaves. They treated women as second-class citizens. They were not the kind of people I would invite to my Thanksgiving table. Were they racists and bigots? Did they have sense of superiority and entitlement? Did they look down on those who didn't have the wealth or skin color they did? Probably. But that's all we got so we gotta try to figger out what was the good among all that crap. Sigh. There is an Armenian saying. "If the soup tastes good don't stir it to see what's at the bottom".  I'm always stirring it because I want to know what's at the bottom! Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply Walt! :)
      November 21, 2018 5:10 AM MST

  • 6023
    An interesting tidbit that we don't learn in American History ... George Washington had royal lineage, going back to Charlemagne to the French Capetians, William the Conqueror, and the Plantagenets.

    So if he HAD chosen to accept being declared the Monarch of America, he would have had the bloodline to back it up with the royalty of Europe.
      November 21, 2018 6:47 AM MST

  • 113301
    Glorioski Walt something else I did not know!  Wow that is an impressive lineage! So we really had royalty in our country then? Noblesse Oblige? Sheesh. You'd sure never know it the way things are today but it's nice to know that ONCE UPON A TIME in a far-off land the seeds of royalty were there. Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 21, 2018 6:54 AM MST

  • 46117
    Yes, like you, Trump picks times he can't comprehend to explain away 200 years later.  That is what?  20 decades?  How many changes have taken place in this land since then?

    Did we do this leap forward by hanging onto values that no longer guide us?

    God did not write the laws, man did.  If you can tell me where God told us to always ignore foreigners WHOM HE CREATED, BY THE WAY, and keep to ourselves.

    We would be an extinct tribe like the few left in Africa with that trapped and clogged mind-set.  The God I pray to, wants us to step forward and help always.  NEVER HURT.

    GIVE me you tired, your poor,....  what about that pledge?  We have lost our honor and embraced a cheap talentless boor, and a reality TV star.  That is his credentials.  Everything he has ever done is based upon lies, deceit and greed and there is NO greater punishment we can lay upon ourselves than to not recognize the difference between a foreigner and an enemy.

    The enemy is the liar in the WHITE HOUSE, not the people at the border.

    How about this?  When he destroys the country causing the real  ENEMY-- Kim Un Jong and the like, NOT OUR ALLY, see that there is nothing to lose and bomb your a$$, and you need to hide?  I pray to God other foreigners like Canada, now that we have turned them into alienated friends?  I pray they don't put you in a cage first and make sure you are not an enemy and let you sit and wait and sit and wait until you don't even know what your life is worth any longer.

    We humans often have to suffer consequences before we realize the horror of the acts we have committed.  So, love your neighbor as yourself.  

    Unlike Trump who says HOW CAN I CAUSE FURTHER HURT?  We need to remember the true leaders in history that did positive acts.  

    Picture Obama treating people like this?  Picture the HATED HILLARY doing this.  

    You need to wake up before it is too late for more people than just you.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 20, 2018 9:12 AM MST
      November 20, 2018 9:03 AM MST

  • 6023
    Obviously, you have no clue what George Washington was talking about.
    Nor the trouble we have gotten into due to "foreign entanglements", and the number of Americans (and foreigners) killed. This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at November 20, 2018 9:40 AM MST
      November 20, 2018 9:39 AM MST