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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "I did not know he took views on the Mueller investigation". As said by john of don to Chris Wallace about Matt Whitaker. Great right?

"I did not know he took views on the Mueller investigation". As said by john of don to Chris Wallace about Matt Whitaker. Great right?

Anything Whitaker does will be a big surprise since the john of don didn't know doesn't know won't know what he is gonna do. Completely innocent. As a lamb. The john of don said "it's up to him" about Whitaker. So far Whitaker has 3 lawsuits against him protesting his unsuitability illegality for the job. Are you counting? There will be more galore futurely probably.

Posted - November 20, 2018


  • 46117
    Trump is a simpleton.  He does not know how to hide his feelings and he thinks that is a unique strength because no one ever behaved this way as Chief of the most "powerful" nation in the world.

    There is a reason, Donald.  Men before you, even the biggest dolts, know that in order to be socially acceptable, one must use a respectful decorum so that people understand you have thought through what you are about to present.  

    If we needed a blathering idiot, we could have picked far more accomplished blathering idiots than TRUMP.

    So, the key to the puzzle is so blatantly evident.  Anything that comes out of the TURD sandwich's mouth, is the exact opposite of what he intends you to believe.

    He does this every day.  If he screws up, he tells you how well he did and tries to force this attitude upon us.  

    The base eats up the poison like it is a health food.  They are addicted to the poison.

    Hillary called them the deplorables.  I cannot think of a better description.

    To sum up:  TRUMP lies and you can see the truth by just reversing every thing he utters.

      November 20, 2018 9:43 AM MST

  • 113301
    His peeps apparently had a very deep need for him. Otherwise it makes no sense. Now some women have a deep need to be abused  because they think very little of themselves. So they seek and find those who will disrespect them, humiliate them, abuse them  physically mentally emotionally and spiritually. That is what they aspire to because of how they view themselves. So the john of don's peeps need authoritarian rule. A big daddy to take care of them and protect them. Now they do not require anything from big daddy but constant soothing words. They don't require big daddy to be honorable or moral or truthful or caring or loving or provide to them what he promised. They just need to hear those words and that is enough for them. That does not surprise me. What does surprise me/astonishes me/shocks me is that there are so many of them. We have been surrounded by them all our lives and never had a clue. The john of don shows up and out they come. Droves of them. That is what is hard to believe for me. Still. 40% think he's is doing a good job? On what planet? That is not a fringe. That is a significantly sizable slice of the pie Sharon. SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 21, 2018 4:07 AM MST