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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do ya hafta be conscious to have a conscience? Are the brainwashed conscious at all or do they live in a half-sleep that's very deep?

Do ya hafta be conscious to have a conscience? Are the brainwashed conscious at all or do they live in a half-sleep that's very deep?

Posted - November 20, 2018


  • 46117
    Conscience arises from the soul, to the mind.  The mind then translates the message and it comes forth in the emotional body.  That place sits in the stomach.  You know ulcers from stress?  Ulcers from guilt?  Ulcers from not being able to even understand our  feelings about any subject.

    You can choose to pick what is easy for you, or what is right.  Trump comes from a place of fear.  He has books written about him with that TITLE.  That is never the right choice.  If it is the hardest for you personally?  That probably means it is the right choice. 

    I go into a jewelry store and see a priceless necklace that no one will see me take.  The mind wants it.  Desire.  The conscience says DO NOT EVER DO THAT.  It will harm your cell tissue through fear, guilt and worry of getting caught and you have something you did not earn that will hurt others because you stole this.     TRUMP cannot tell the difference.  He lies, cheats, steals and does it as if he is entitled.  He gives other people in power a cut in the stolen goods so they let him keep stealing for them.  

    When you are making a difficult decision and you just give a knee-jerk response?  IF that response is negative?  You are going to suffer, you will feel a twinge at some point and a nagging worry about your response.

    Unless you are so used to ignoring anything from your deep soul wisdom, tapping you in the shoulder and saying DO NOT STEAL THAT, for example.  You are more likely to do it, if you are just used to following the mind with no filter.

    That is TRUMP.  He is not connected to his conscience at ALL, because he has been trained to follow the greed and avarice that his mind has concocted.   He has no way to shut up saying McCain is not a War hero, because his MIND/EGO cannot handle anything that upsets him for one second.

    He gives the game away.  And the UNCONSCIOUS base, follows the leader into hell.

    The challenge for those of us who are conscious is to love and forgive the unconscious.  Only then, can we come to some understanding and stop this division in our Nation.

    We have to forgive and accept the enemy.  That doesn't mean we give them control. IT means we lovingly remove their control.  I don't think we are anywhere near that accomplishment and we all may die because of it.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 21, 2018 3:45 AM MST
      November 20, 2018 9:25 AM MST

  • 113301
    If you are able to forgive and love those who support, love, admire the john of don Sharon I salute you. I really do. I cannot. I do not like them. I certainly don't trust them. I detest and despise and LOATHE the man who pleases them bigly. Do I detest despise and LOATHE them for it? No. But will I ever forgive them? No.  Never. So as I said you have evolved to be a better person than me. Will I ever get there? No. I'm sure I won't. I have no interest in forgiving them or liking them because I can never trust them and I cannot like/abide those I do not trust. I stay as far away from their kind as is humanly possible. SIGH. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. It is uplifting. I'm too heavy to lift I guess. Slender in body size but very heavy and weighed down by anger and fury and disbelief and disappointment.  :( This post was edited by RosieG at November 21, 2018 3:53 AM MST
      November 21, 2018 3:49 AM MST