I've stated my preference on other posts, in the past.
A representative democracy ... but with no elected officials. Representatives would be drawn by lottery from all citizens over the age of military service eligibility. That is the only way to ensure a random mix of ethnic, gender, and economic status. They would receive the average pay of people in their district, and their employer would be required to hold their job (similar to how it works for National Guard or jury duty).
Government jobs in regulatory agencies would be limited to 10 years, to avoid "lifetime" bureaucrats.
No vetting or debates? No background investigations? No examination for soundness of mind? You have much more faith in humans than I although I must say having the john of don as prez never made any sense from the beginning. So I guess a lotto with random folks serving couldn't do any worse. Except that how would you prevent "fixing" it? How would you ensure that the deck wouldn't be stacked by evildoers as they do now? I dunno Walt. It's complicated. Thank you for your reply! :)
I guess the same way they ensure BINGO games aren't fixed. Or jury pools. If it's electronic, you could have it "open source" software ... which is actually more secure, because anybody can access the code to ensure it is fair. Sort of how OpenOffice software has less bugs than Microsoft Office.
There's no vetting, background investigations, or mental exams for serving on jury duty. And those are sometimes literally "life and death" decisions. Which is kind of disturbing, now that you got me thinking about that.