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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The john of don spoke disparagingly of "OBAMA JUDGES". Chief Justice Roberts smacked him down for that. BIGLY. Deservedly?

The john of don spoke disparagingly of "OBAMA JUDGES". Chief Justice Roberts smacked him down for that. BIGLY. Deservedly?

Why all the fury and furor over installing the newest john of don judge Brett Kavanaugh? The john of don ignores the fact of his judges and points fingers at the judges other presidents selected. Here is how IT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK. A president appoints a judge to become a justice . The Senate does its advise and consent. Regardless of which president of which party appointed a JUSTICE they are all supposed to be INDEPENDENT OF POLITICS. The john of don is so dumb he thinks we are as dumb as he is. We are not. He will never wisen up so we will always have the upper hand intellectually. Poor fella. He is so outclassed on every level. He only reigns now temporarily because the pols he has to work with are scared sh**less of him. Not the House after January 3, 2019. But now the House shivers and shakes and quakes and the Senate is so afraid of him they dare not speak up to disagree. The only ones who do are leaving so they have nothing to lose. It is a sham and a shame that grown men are so afraid of a tyrant they will let him do anything he wants including undermining our country.  They will pay a price. I don't know when or how but I am sure of it. I hope.

Posted - November 22, 2018
