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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We know that the definition of CONSERVATIVE is different now apres john the don. What are the differences between before and now?

We know that the definition of CONSERVATIVE is different now apres john the don. What are the differences between before and now?

As an outsider I remember they were very pro military. Very proud of military heroes. Very pro the rule of law. Very pro balancing the budget. Very pro decreasing the deficit. Very pro human rights. Very pro working together with allies all over the world. Very anti despot dictators. Very pro American Values (patriotism loyalty financial solvency et al). Very pro honoring and following The Constitution. Very pro the three branches of government and keeping them SEPARATE and IN DEPENDENT.  That's what I observe outside the boundaries of Conservatism. What do Conservatives see as the differences/disparities between what they are now and what they used to be? Anyone?

Posted - November 22, 2018
