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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » With its dying breath the short-term Republican House majority am is are doubling down sending out subpoenas while they can! BRILLIANT?

With its dying breath the short-term Republican House majority am is are doubling down sending out subpoenas while they can! BRILLIANT?

Subpoenas to James Comey and Loretta Lynch. Comey says he will be happy to appear in a PUBLIC setting but will NOT appear behind closed doors with these salivating sycophants (Nunes of course and Gowdy and all the other tiny itty bitty little men). With their last bit of energy they want to take everyone down they can because after January 3 they will all be made impotent and the feckless folks will have to sit in the corner and wait to be called upon and get permission. Let's see to what extent they make fools of themselves between now and then. More Benghazi investigations? More Hillary email investigations? How about the assassination of JFK and Robert Kennedy and MLK Jr? Can they blame that on the Dems and subpoena them? Didja know the Dem Party assassinated Abe Lincoln? Every DEM alive now was involved. Didja know that every mass massacre slaughter  butchering in which guns were the weapon of choice it was Dems who planned and plotted all of them and were actually the shooters? What else? Well anything and everything you can think of that you don't like is the fault of the Dems.   Y'all have just a short window to "fix" things. January 3, 2019 y'all are toast. Get busy.  Do your thang! Rack up the subpoenas and the investigations and the inquiries and  the meetings and the committees and the millions of dollars of expense. C'mon. Get off your butt and DO SOMETHING. SIGH. Ya still got time. Sigh. Your desperate attempt to take the heat of the john of don and the zillions of troubles he done brought on himself. Whatever it takes right? No matter the cost? However stupid dumb it is y'all will do it because it's your job and y'll excel at stupid dumb.

Posted - November 22, 2018


  • 46117
    Do you remember who you are dealing with?

    They are going down, and those that remain will pull these shenanigans until nothing gets done, so they can blame the Dems.

    That is their only motive.  SPITE.  

    Spite cannot do much in the end.  The uglier they get, the smaller their numbers get.
      November 22, 2018 10:23 AM MST

  • 113301
    The stage 4 cancer aka the john of don has metastasized sJ. Proof of that is his okay to the world to support dictator despots who murder behead dismember dissidents. I believe we are now officially beyond hope of salvation. The damage his spineless mindless toady sycophants can do before January 3, 2019 (deliverance day for America) is incalcuable. The john of don can blow up the world before then. You know the storyline. It is a classic. "If I can't have you no one can!" and kaboom the bas**rd murders the gal he desires.  Well the metastasized stage 4 cancer man will not leave the world without trying to blow it up so nothing is left for others. This is the most critical time for action to cut him out of the body politic. Even though at stage 4 and metastasized  there are such things as miracles. BUT you don't just sit on your a** and pray for salvation. You DO something about it. If we survive until January 3, 2019 we may have hope. But I won't bet on it. When evil takes charge and those who could do something about it facilitate/enable it to flourish how do you fight it? Thank you for your reply sJ. This post was edited by RosieG at November 23, 2018 4:24 AM MST
      November 23, 2018 4:22 AM MST

  • 13277
    am is are doubling down sending... is doubling down, sending...

    Perhaps we've started celebrating the holiday a tad early? Try to maintain, Rosie - coherence is good and something to strive for. Happy (Wild?) Turkey Thursday to thee!
      November 22, 2018 10:43 AM MST