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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Wanna support your prez most bigly all ye trumpicans? The reddest city in the reddest state should change its name to PLEASURE! Willya?

Wanna support your prez most bigly all ye trumpicans? The reddest city in the reddest state should change its name to PLEASURE! Willya?

Folks laughed and laughed at him for TWICE calling the town of PARADISE which had been almost completely wiped out in the fires "Pleasure". The second time he was corrected and said "Paradise" but  the damage was done. The imprint was in marble. Too late to say he didn't say what he said. BUT you loving supporters out there can save his a** from the fires of eternal derision by renaming your city PLEASURE! Invite him to the grand ribbon-cutting ceremony. Of course he will take all the credit for the name and for true credit is due him him for Pleasure isn't it? In fact  how's about a contest to see how many cities in how many red states  will change their names to PLEASURE? There is no law that says one name per state per city. Maybe one of you red states will change your state name to Pleasure. Florida fits best because that PLEASUREdome Mar A Lago is there. And like North and South Dakota or North and South Carolina why not have a North and South Pleasure too? Any law agin it? C'mon y'all get aboard the Pleasure train. What d'ya have to lose? Ya got a lot to gain. The pleasure of the president for one.

Posted - November 23, 2018
