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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Shoe is on the other foot. Americans are going to flee from a country that no longer is American. What country will accept THEM?

Shoe is on the other foot. Americans are going to flee from a country that no longer is American. What country will accept THEM?

Why shouldn't Americans be walled out of other countries? What unique specialness or greatnes makes THEM worthy of citizenship in an elsewhere country? How do those countries know that a massive INVASION of Americans doesn't consist of rapists and murderers and terrorists? How comfy it is when the immigrant shoe is on YOUR foot? How do YOU like being vilified and rejected for simply being a you who wants to live a in country that will treat them well? How do you like being judged and graded before you even tested or interviewed or a chance? Turnabout is fair play. If you support the wall and despise immigrants you don't know what will you do if/when YOU are the despised ones, an immigrant, who is judged without being given a chance? Never gonna happen? Cocky attitude. You don't KNOW what tomorrow will bring. When you dig your grave be prepared to lie in it. I dunno if that applies but I just felt like saying it! :)

Posted - November 23, 2018
