Enjoying lotsa sex with his mistress in Argentina! His wife divorced him of course. Don't know if he his secret she are still enjoy lotsa sex together or separately. If they got married. If they moved on. BUT next week the john of don is going to some G2 or G60 or G pick-your-number summit meeting in of all places ARGENTINA! GUESS WHO he is gonna have a special SIDE assignation with? GUESS? Vlad the Putin. Probably closed door. Wonder if Melania is jealous of THAT relationship?. Platonic or romantic? And the Russian Press put out a release that sez the assignation will be long and the discussion will be about substantive issues. The American Press is always stiffed when Vlad the Putin is the john of don's assignation goal target mate partner SO . When Russia is the assignation partner we only know about it via the Russian Press who brags a whole lot don'tcha know? So we'll see what happens. Or we won't. SHEESH.