Where is it written that among other things a president has to put country first, tell the truth, honor the rule of law and do what's best for the people? We gullible fools think that is what should be but who sez so? Power is what rules. Those who are greedy enough to grab it and run with it deserve it. Right? So they pillage and rape and destroy and get richer and richer and richer? That is the way of the world. All the despot dictators are richer than Midas! Go for the gold. Take what you can. "The world is a banquet and most poor bas**rds are starving to death". Well that comes from Auntie Mame probably not verbatim but you get the drift. She is/was/will always be a great old dame who knew how to live life! It has absolutely nothing to do with what preceded it. I just felt like tossing it in the mix. :)