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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The story of America is still being told. Do you like how it's trending? Do you foresee the possibility of a happy ending? Why?

The story of America is still being told. Do you like how it's trending? Do you foresee the possibility of a happy ending? Why?

Posted - November 26, 2018


  • 6098
    Not as long as people continue trying to destroy it. 
      November 26, 2018 7:19 AM MST

  • 10786
    Historically speaking, no country has had a "happy ending".  They all ended in bloodshed or disease, and suffering.

    As I have said many times, this country is in a death spiral -

    - Its citizens are divided against each other - politically, racially, socially, economically and by gender. 
    - Everyone demands that THEIR rights should be invoked at all times and at all costs - even if it violates others rights or costs others their life.
    - "Justice" belongs to those who can afford it (the more $$ one has the likelier they will win - regardless of who's in the right).
    - The rich live in luxury on the backs of the poor - demanding more from them yet giving back less (if anything). 
    --- Corporations pay their leaders millions while paying their workers barely enough to survive... if that.
    - The government is more concerned with itself than with its citizens.

    History has shown us over and over that when people are pushed too far they will revolt - and many times violently!  Sometimes the revolts are successful, sometimes they're not.  Either way many lives are lost.  

    This nation is in a death spiral.  Civil war has already begun.  I seriously doubt we have 50 years before this nation falls - either by disbanding or succumbing to foreign invasion.  It could change, but those who are "in charge" are too narrow-minded and pigheaded to change.  

     "A house divided against itself cannot stand" - Jesus (Matthew 3:25)
      November 26, 2018 10:35 AM MST

  • 113301
    Please forgive me in advance (or try to) for my cheekiness. Your reply is profoundly disturbing, thoughtful and probably true. However right now I'm silently singing ALLONS ENFANTS DE LA PATRIE! The FRENCH REVOLUTION comes to mind. Years ago when my son happened to be in Paris after a seminar he attended in Germany after which he and the professor with whom he travelled took a train to Paris for a couple of days (it was on 9/11 if you can believe it) and he went to the Arch de Triomphe. On it are carved some names. Lo and behold he found our surname carved up there among them. His dad is part French you see but it was a huge surprise to me. Anyway I looked up  the name and learned something about the person. Whether he was a relative or not we do not know since it happened centuries ago. Then I thought of the Vichy government and the FRENCH RESISTANCE in World War 2. All in the flash of an eyelash. Maybe we the people need our own Revolution. Not against the British but against the current government! Maybe the existing resistance will prevail and an American insurrection will occur that will make any earlier ones child's play. Why did I react that way? I cannot say. This is me stream of consciousing to thee because I'm pretty sure you get it Shuhak. Like nervous laughter. It occurs not because anything is funny. You laugh because crying is the only other alternative. So here we are. Le Marseillaise anyone? Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 26, 2018 4:05 PM MST