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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Y'all know what COMFORT FOOD is? Y"all have your favorites. Didja know Fox & Friends is comforft food for the brain/mindless?

Y'all know what COMFORT FOOD is? Y"all have your favorites. Didja know Fox & Friends is comforft food for the brain/mindless?

It ain't nutritious but it makes you feel oh so comfy and safe and superior and "knowledgeable".  You can get fat on it and so lazy that you avoid exercise because it takes energy to exercise. The john of don lives on it. That explains a lot of what he is and why he is as he is. Comfort food like  cheeseburgers and comfort food like Fox News is all a guy needs to be prez. It's  a great country ain't it?

Posted - November 27, 2018
