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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » For all you john of don supporters out there who own your own business. How wouldja like YOUR prez to make ALL BUSINESS DECISIONS for ya?

For all you john of don supporters out there who own your own business. How wouldja like YOUR prez to make ALL BUSINESS DECISIONS for ya?

He like it real bigly. He is angry at GM for the plan to layoff over 14,000 auto workers when the john of don PRoMISED to bring back auto jobs. You know the john would like control over all big business and lit tle business too. I mean if y'all support him and like him and approve of his policies what's there to lose? He will make all your decisions for you. It will make him very happy. Surelyyou don't mind turning over your right to run your business on your own all alone do ya? Wanna make him happy don'tcha? Of course you don't. So? Tell him!

Posted - November 27, 2018
