They(the john of don and the daughter john of don) want to make as much money as they can so they manufacture their products where LABOR IS CHEAPER outside America. Make America Great Again my a**! The phony baloney line that people bought. Poor people. What a shyster scammer con artist! The john and his clan use every ruse to MAKE MORE MONEY. So does any business. So that's the business decision GM made. Lay off 14,000 plus employees. Close 5 factories. I read that decision will save the company something like 6 BILLION dollars by 2020. Now d'ya really think the john of don wouldn't do the exact same thing to save billions of bucks? He sells out our country daily because of big money from the Saudis and Russians past present and futurely. So why does he begrudge a company doing what is "best" for it? He is a hypocrite. Two-faced. A Janus. Sheesh.