Hyde-Smith is NOT euphonious. HYDE SMYTHE is. It also sounds oh-so upper class. Anyway the name surely classes up the dame and what harm would that be? She doesn't look classy or talk classy do she? But to make a Smith a SMYTHE? Well you see my point right? A SMYTHE is way more than a Smith will ever be. Royalty? The Countess Hyde Smythe? Duchess Hyde-Smithe. Her Ladyship Hyde-Smythe. Baroness Hyde-Smythe. Princess Hyde-Smythe. Senator Hyde-Smythe? Her Earlness? Lord and Lady. Duke and Duchess. Baron and Baroness. Prince and Princess Earl and ? Dame Hyde-Smythe? If we could just teach to speak with a British accent her "apparent" intelligence level would skyrocket. Anything a Brit says sounds way smart. I don't know why. It just does! Could any Brits out there share with us what the female consort of an Earl is? Earlship? Earless? Earlon? No that sounds very similar to Orlon! Very declasse! Oy Vey! :(