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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "You should/shouldn't". "I wish you would/wouldn't" "Why do you do/say what you do/say" . I asking why is okay. Should/shouldn't?

"You should/shouldn't". "I wish you would/wouldn't" "Why do you do/say what you do/say" . I asking why is okay. Should/shouldn't?

Not so much okay as controlling.  I think it's best to take people as they are and not try to change them. Or you can just leave them alone. Avoid them completely. I mean sometimes you wish they weren't what they are or whom they are but they also wish that very same thing about you too. So we are what we are and whom we are and either we accept that or we can be hermits or worst case we can find someone exactly like us and live without growing or stretching the rest of our lives. If people don't "obey" us or do what we require to like them better maybe we just aren't people persons. I dunno.Who really likes someone who is dissatisfied with the way you are and keeps trying to change you?  Doesn't that become boring and tiresome and tedious very quickly and make you lose interest? So he/she says/does some things you'd rather they didn't do too. Do you have a list of dealbreakers? Is it extensive?  Is everything you don't like a dealbreaker? SIGH.

Posted - November 29, 2018


  • 44744
    Can you ask a bottom line question, please. What are you asking for??
      November 29, 2018 9:33 AM MST

  • 113301
    Are you not familiar with STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS writers Ele?  I asked a question about them. Randon thoughts occur and these writers put them down on paper and some of them have many fans. I write as thoughts occur to me.  Sometimes they're jumbled but on occasion someone out there finds enough merit in them to reply in a way that lets me know they GOT IT. Now I know you are a "just the facts m'am" kinda person. We have had this discussion before.  Those flights of fancy random thought questions are not your cuppa tea which is fine with me. Let me ask you this. Have you written a letter to a published author criticizing his/her MO? Given advice as to how to make the writing more accessible to the public? Probably not. Yet folks all the time tell me about the defects in my questions. I ask them for me. If you find value in them fine. If you don't fine. I don't mind either way. Did I answer your question? Some of the stream-of-consciousness writers are William Faulkner, James Joyce, Marcel Proust, Virginia Woolf. There are others. It's free-form and amoebe-like. No structure. So maybe now you understand better? Thank you for your question. I ask because if I don't the questions will keep hounding me. Which brings up a question which I'm gonna ask. It's very straightforward and simple. I doubt that you will have a problem with it. This post was edited by RosieG at November 30, 2018 8:19 AM MST
      November 30, 2018 3:16 AM MST

  • 44744
    I don't have a problem with what anybody writes, as long as they follow TOS. BUT, I tend to not read long questions or answers. I have a short attention span, so any thing more than a short paragraph usually goes unread. I am a  staccato kind of guy.
      November 30, 2018 8:25 AM MST