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Do you know what would make you happy? If so do you think it/that would make others happy too? Why do you think so?

Posted - November 29, 2018


  • 6023
    I would be happy with a diet pill that actually works.
    And I bet millions of others would be, as well.

      November 29, 2018 7:58 AM MST

  • 113301
    Ah. Once upon a time there was a  gal who had  a weight problem. Tried every diet.  Some worked temporarily. Up and down (never got obese  but had those 20-30 lbs lbs she didn't need) up and down up and down. One day she learned about BAD carbs and GOOD carbs. That was when she was in her mid-30's. Since then she has had no problem eating whatever she wants as much as she wants whenever she wants. She just retrained herself to make better choices. At 5'6" her weight fluctuates between 119 and 122. Who dat be? Me. Now some folks are super sensitive to "bad carbs" and I discovered I am one of them. The only pasta we eat is DREAMFIELD'S. One of the ingredients is INULIN which blocks the deleterious effects of carbs on your metabolism. We used to eat croissants and sourdough bread regularly. Empty calories that turn to sugar. Now and for many years we only eat whole grain breads..mostly organic. We check the fiber and protein and sugar and salt in the ingredients list. You would be SHOCKED at the number of brown-colored breads that say 100% wheat as if that means anything. It is meaningless.  They often will show less than 1 gram of fiber. That means they have stripped the wheat  of all food value and they then dyed it brown so the hapless shopper who grabs it thinks it's healthier than white because it "looks" healthier. It isn't. It's a con. The bread we eat has a minimum of 5 grams of fiber per slice and usually a comparable amount of protein. We eat English muffins that have 8 grams of fiber per muffin and 5 grams of protein per muffin with a lower calorie count than the regular ones. There is a wrap called Xtreme Wellness that is 50 calories. Has 11 GRAMS OF FIBER and 4 GRAMS OF PROTEIN per wrap. We NEVER BUY white flour tortillas. NEVER. Now on rare occasion we will treat ourselves to a croissant or sourdough bread. Maybe a coupla times a year just for the halibut. But we don't trade taste for nutrition. We just shop mindfully and I do a lot of cooking. We cut back very BIGLY on anything with sugar. We eat  tons of veggies and beans and nuts and seeds and fruits though they have natural sugar we do not pig out on them Fruit juice is very bad. Always eat the whole fruit. We do eat meat but if we had to switch to vegetarian we would have no problem. We wouldn't vegan because well we love dairy products and see no need to forego them.  Sorry to have given you eyestrain Walt but you don't have to be overweight if you eat what tastes good or be the proper weight by eating tasteless food. You just have to experiment and see what works for you. It's very easy to do if you like to eat tasty food and you don't mind putting yourself out by shopping for ingredients and spending time in the kitchen. I promise you. Now if you were just teasing me this was all for naught. Apologies if that's the case. You hit a nerve which I gather you gathered. Take care. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! :) Oh we never eat anything that includes a color with a number or anything with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils or anything that is farm-raised.
      November 29, 2018 8:22 AM MST

  • 6023
    I too have tried all sorts of diets ... and have gotten my weight down.
    Unfortunately, I am at the limit of what diet can do for me.
    My doctor says it's low metabolism, and I can exercise to replace fat with muscle ... but I don't want to invest the time to build up and then maintain that muscle for the rest of my life.

    So yeah.  A pill that would increase my metabolism.
      November 29, 2018 8:40 AM MST

  • 113301
    I think there are ways to make it more efficient Walt. Seriously. I think there are foods that affect metabolism positively and foods that impact it negatively. For example I have read that lean meats like turkey or chicken use up more calories to metabolize than are in them. So eating them takes more energy and you get negative calories. I'm pretty sure there are books on it or perhaps articles and information on the internet. I think metabolism slows down as we age. Oh. And meds we take may affect it adversely as well. There is always trade-offs it seems. And body shape and size varies among us. Some are slight slender and others are more muscular. One size does not fit all for sure. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday. Have you done any research on the internet vis a vis increasing the efficiency of metabolism? :)
      November 30, 2018 3:46 AM MST