The john of don's lawyers tell us not to believe Michael Cohen because he is a liar. The john of don says the same thing. These lawyers are the ones who dare not let their client the john of don testify in person to Mueller because they KNOW the john of don is compulsive LIAR and will further harm himself.
Ridiculous. Absurd. Illogical. Crazy-a**. Not that the lawyers say such crap but that trumpicans believe it and promote it and promulgate it. Now what would cause that obvious absurdity?
Are the lies of a john of don superior to, better than, impressiver than those of others? Does a president get a pass because he is the president? A liar is a liar is a liar. Whether it is the john of don or someone else.
Crazy -a** world when one liar is elevated and worshipped no matter what. Crazy-a** people too? I dunno. Something very strange has occurred in the brains of lotsa folks.