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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Humiliating. Embarrassing. Punch-in-the gut! REPUBLICAN and DEM Senators are furious at the john of don's attitude toward the Saudis. WHAT?

Humiliating. Embarrassing. Punch-in-the gut! REPUBLICAN and DEM Senators are furious at the john of don's attitude toward the Saudis. WHAT?

Because of the beheading dismembering of the journalist...THE KHASHOGGI BUTCHERING...they want to STOP selling arms to and backing the butcher Saudis in their  destruction of Yemen. The john of don..."maybe he did and maybe he didn't" equivocating guy keeps trying his best to put lipstick on that pig but people are not only laughing and ridiculing him they are DEFYING HIM! What's he gonna do NOW? Is he gonna destroy all of them? Boy oh boy this is getting real interesting. Of the course the toady sycophants in the House will still roll over whimpering (a la Nunes et al) BUT the Senate? AHA! Some Senators actually have a conscience, integrity and a moral core about something? FINALLY? Meanwhile the john of don defiantly and childishly and embarrassingly talks gibberish nonsense as he is slowly sinking in the west and its environs. Will the Senate cave or will they all put on their BIG BOY pants and do what's right? Stand up, speak out and fight tooth and nail against the monstrous and evil being okayed encouraged ignored in the world by that groupie of  despot dictators butchers the john of don? SIGH?

Posted - December 3, 2018
