Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Would you like to live in a world where things (like money) were looked down upon and things like good acts/honor/TRUTH were revered BY ALL?
Well I think that is pretty much the way things are now. The only difference is that while some look down upon money they realize they are going to need it and so make it while other people just try to pretend it does not even exist at all and that the government should somehow be responsible for all their needs.
No. That is NOT the way things are now. People have zero respect for anything, much less the sacred.
No one is saying money is not important. MONEY IS NOT THE REASON FOR HAPPY OR NO HAPPY.
If this world were based on my caring about you? More than money?
What a wonderful world this would be.
Oh, and for the record, I do care a lot more about you than any money I could hope to make. I feel great helping and sharing. I don't give more than I can give. No one wants another poor person needing help. But I do give and I feel wonderful when I do it. I don't want a thing in return and my non-attachment to the offering is what makes it blessed and me feel serene and happy to serve.
And action speaks even louder than money offerings. Go feed the poor. Go talk to old people who are lonely. It is the gift that keeps on giving. You transformed their lives a little bit and if you are open they will transform yours as well.
Nor sure what "sacred" (God) has to do with it. Or where you get the idea that people don't care about others. I think some of the problems we get into is that people have different ways of caring for others. Which the "others" may not regard as "care" at all! And I agree money does not buy happiness but I do think it can help us to be happy.
Thank you very much if that is true that you know me. I care about you but when you adopt so many guises sometimes not so easy and I guess I just view the world differently because it seems to me life is difficult enough even with the care of others that why should we wish to make it any more difficult? Or why should we array so many against us when even if they don't care they do not wish us any ill at all?