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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Obstruction of justice. Witness tampering. Colluding with a foreign government. Usually done out of sight. Why didn't john?

Obstruction of justice. Witness tampering. Colluding with a foreign government. Usually done out of sight. Why didn't john?

He so openly promiscuously wantonly and CONTINUOUSLY engages in all of that under the theory of what? That if he does it out in the open no one will notice? He says he admires Roger Stone who says he will never testify against the john and the john despises all truthtellers and insults them, attacks them, disparages them. He does all of it all in sight and all in sound all the time. He never  stops. He tweets and speaks and tweets and speaks and tweets and speaks all of it all the time. In the in-between he calls media the enemy of the people and brands all truths that terrify him as fake news when it is plain to see the fake is he. He is getting worser faster. The more he talks the less and less sense he makes. Does no one love him enough to prevent the "suicide" walk he is so determinedly engaged upon taking? No one?

Posted - December 4, 2018
