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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » All trumpicans KNOW the john of don lies about everything 24/7 which they "buy". Why won't they buy his lie about the Saudi Crown Prince?

All trumpicans KNOW the john of don lies about everything 24/7 which they "buy". Why won't they buy his lie about the Saudi Crown Prince?

Is the beheading dismemberment dissolving in acid a bridge too far even for them? Or will they switch and flip and backtrack again and support the lying john of don again and again and again? Your thoughts?

After the briefing yeserday by the head of the CIA on the "L'Affaire Khashoggi" trumpicans senators do not doubt that the Saudi Crown Prince ORDERED the slaughter. How that gets resolved with the obdurate belligerant hostile john of don insisting "maybe he did, maybe he didn't" should be tons of fun to watch. The john of don won't back down. His financial future depends on his sucking up to the Obscenely wealthy Saudis and sucking up to the obscenely powerful and wealthy Putin. D'ya really think he will ever show anything but sweetness sucking up bigly to them? Even Lindsay Graham who flipped and became another toady sycophant isn't buying THIS LIE. What's poor john of don gonna do NOW? Plus the market TANKED 799.36 on Tuesday because he said "I'm a tariff guy". Too bad he doesn't know when to shut the you know what up. SIGH. Stay tuned. More to come.

Posted - December 5, 2018
