Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Do you confront RUDE by being RUDE in return, by calling the rude person on it or do you just simply ignore it? Why?
I am most excellent at telling people OFF. I have spent reams of hours in this pastime and to what avail? All I can say about it is I am good at it. So what? The true test for me to spiritually advance is to stop this practice because it inflames and hurts the other party, therefore nothing is accomplished. NOTHING.
It is a violence upon the attacker. To attack back does nothing to stop any ill will or ill feelings and serves to enlighten nobody.
The true act of advancement and the true spreading of peace is to practice non-violence in every action we put our energy behind. It is far more admirable to me to shut up and smile or just let it go.
That is the true pathway to peace and until and unless we all start to practice it, we are doomed as doomed can be.
When I ask a question and get someone who replies by asking 4 insulting questions I find it annoying. Such folks go out of their way to do that and I never understand why? It wastes time. Of course I have learned to simply delete without reading some of them since I know why they show up and I have no interest in anything they have to say. It's just very puzzling. That doesn't mean I expect folks to agree with me. I do insist upon civility and any time anyone makes a question I ask about me I just cut them off futurely. SIGH. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and the weird graphic. Those eyes are not comforting! :)