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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever take an ANGER MANAGEMENT class? How do you manage anger? You can't manage being angry but you can manage showing anger?

Ever take an ANGER MANAGEMENT class? How do you manage anger? You can't manage being angry but you can manage showing anger?

Is there a cure so that you no longer need to MANAGE it?  Are you angry most of the time or do you rarely or never become angry?

Posted - December 10, 2018


  • 6098
    No, never was an angry person.  Perhaps because I never expected much from others and I chose to focus my life on the positive things I possessed or would be able to cultivate on my own. 
      December 10, 2018 6:51 AM MST

  • 6023
    I've taken counseling for anger issues.
    It wasn't specifically an "anger management" class, but it helped me not worry about things I didn't have control over.

    I do manage to control my anger.
    I mean, the sound of someone eating with their mouth open is a trigger still.  I have to leave the room before I kill somebody.

    The weird thing is, my DNA results said that was an issue - without me saying anything about it.
    So is there really a DNA trait that makes people angry at the sound of someone eating with their mouth open?  And WHY?  What purpose did/does such a DNA trait serve?  Is it just an "unintended consequence" of some other DNA trait(s)?
      December 10, 2018 11:31 AM MST

  • 113301
    Oh c'mon Walt! YOU? You are teasing me aren't you?. I haven't met a more calm thoughtful well-balanced and articulate person than you anywhere. You have anger issues? Well m'dear EVERYTHING is dictated by our DNA isn't it? I mean how do you escape what your parents are and transferred to you? You don't get to choose, right? You take what you get and learn to live with it. I just can't see you "losing it" but I'm not saying you're making it up. It's just very surprising. How do you chew with your mouth open anyway? I'm trying it here with nothing to chew on and it's seems very awkward and I would think anything you chew would fall out which could get very messy very quickly.  I think there are some things we CAN control and other things we can't. I think emotion is one of the things we can't but our outward reactions we ought to be able to mitigate or temper. My trigger is hearing nonsense. I am a very logical person and anyone who tries to con me with something that makes no sense at all gets me riled bigly. It's insulting as he** and maybe that's part of it. They think I am so stupid I will buy what they are selling. As if! :( Now I need a little help to understand why or how WORRY is connected to anger and how they relate. Did the "classes" help at all? You can't change a template and our DNA is that template. Do you feel more in control after having taken those lessons in how ever many sessions you attended? And what do you mean your "DNA results"? Do you have a map? Thank you for your reply Walt. Sorry for all the questions but I think now you know me by now. It's what I do and who I am!  Apologies! :)
      December 11, 2018 3:55 AM MST

  • 6023
    I used that 23andMe test, and the one from National Geographic.
    The 23andMe said I have DNA that leans towards anger with the sound of people eating.

    I dunno ... maybe there was some reason for it in the past.  Like our cave-dwelling ancestors were so competitive over food.
      December 11, 2018 6:59 AM MST

  • 113301
    So what the test said you "lean toward" is true of you? Huh. So maybe it's a fairly good ballpark indication of whom you are. Was that the only thing you learned or did it give you other info? Thank you for your reply Walt! :)
      December 11, 2018 7:28 AM MST

  • 46117
    Anger and Judmentalism.  Those are my two worst traits.  I actually pray every day to help alleviate this horror in my character.  It is doing me no good.  And I ask to be enlightened before the anger erupts.  I am better but I have so long to go.  

    I get tested on a daily basis to see how far I have advanced and I fail miserably most days even before the day is ended

    For instance.  My daughter is 46 and she is starting menopause.  Her hormones are going wacko and she is talking about how cute this 19 year old kid is at work.  Now this type of thinking nauseates me.  

    I should not judge.  I should let it go..... It really goads.  I think, how could she lower herself this way?  But she tells me it's harmless.  sigh.  I don't think it is harmless.  I think she is obsessed with this idea that MAYBE it could become more.  She says no.  I have to let it go.   I am angry and being judgmental.

    I got stuck in traffic and was almost late for work.  I cannot be late.  There are customers in the lobby waiting for their appointments with me.    That was very trying, but I managed to not freak out.  That was an improvement.

    Maybe I am getting better.

      December 11, 2018 7:56 AM MST