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I think we all influence one another consciously or subconsciously one way or another whether we know it or not. Are you positive/negative?

Posted - December 12, 2018


  • 10783
    Of course we do.  Our actions, mannerisms, speech, even our thoughts can influence others.  For example, negative thoughts beget negative actions, while positive thoughts beget positive actions.  Your facial expressions, body posture, actions, even the way you smell (pheromones) are affected by your thoughts.  These "vibes" can be sensed by others, which in turn can have either a positive or a negative affect on them (depending on the "vibe").

    While I like to think that I always have positive influence, I know that that's not always true.  Many times I, like everyone else, don't think about how my actions, words, (etc.) will effect others.  Did my honking a the jerk who cut me off on the freeway influence another person to do likewise?  Did my holding open the door for someone influence them to do the same for another? Did my bad mood "rub off" on another?  Did my cheerful mood help another to be more cheerful?  

      December 12, 2018 5:00 PM MST

  • 113301
    I don't know about up north Shuhak but here in southern California there was a period when ROAD RAGE that ended in death was going on. Freeways were the usual site and if someone cut someone off inadvertently there could be he** to pay! An enraged driver would follow the person whom he thought offended him. OR a enraged wackadoodle would just pick up the gun he had on the seat and shoot the person who ticked him off. We still see vestiges of that from time to time. Of course that is an example of worst-case. Best case can be complimenting someone about whatever when that someone was down in the dumps about something. For that moment the person is cheered up and feels better about him or herself. It may be only a moment but it could have a lasting impact which we never know. We never know how some stories will end.  We hope they end well. I always smile and will chat with anyone who seems amenable in line while shopping or passing by someone on the street or in waiting rooms. I'm open and up for it. Of course some people prefer to be left alone and I can do that too. I'm very flexible. I'm on a hugging basis with lots of folks I see repeatedly! Employees at the various markets where we shop. Neighbors. I hope hugs never go out of style because I AM A HUGGER! Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak and Happy Thursday!
      December 13, 2018 3:28 AM MST