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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Former good buddy DAVID JAY PECKER is cooperating with Mueller and cut a deal to stay out of jail. So what?

Former good buddy DAVID JAY PECKER is cooperating with Mueller and cut a deal to stay out of jail. So what?

Here's the so what? David Jay Pecker (no folks I'm not gonna touch that) is the Chairman and CEO of American Media which includes"The National Enquirer. He has corroborated what Michael Cohen said that one of the women was paid $150,000 to shut up about her affair with da don to cover up something that would affect the election. THAT IS CRIMINAL.  David Jay Pecker (I refuse to comment on PECKER) also has a safe or vault in which much damaging information is stored about the deviant actions of his long-time pal the donald! Case after case of hush money paid out to babes. Over decades. So Michael Cohen told Mueller he was DIRECTED by the donald to pay off  two dames. Not because knowledge of that would be embarrassing for don with Melania (I'm sure she knows what a toad pig he is) but because he wanted to cover it up so it wouldn't affect the outcome of the election. CRIMINAL and ILLEGAL. The noose getteth tighter and tighter. The dam* is breached and its collapse is imminent and the liars conspirators colluders money launderers will drown if they don't do something like swim to safety and spill their guts. The real exposure here might not be the Russia thing. The real exposure may be the decades long criminal enterprise named trump including his adult kids and all their shady activities. The real damage may be to what he is and has always been. Running for president may well be the stupidest thing the don couldda done. He done it to hisself. Another trump enterprise you guys. What wouldda couldda been dumber to do than that?

Posted - December 13, 2018


  • 34990
    Decades of stories....if that is true. It is not a crime it is business as usual. Nothing to do with the campaign. 

    Everyone knew/knows Mr. Trump was a billionaire playboy. That is not illegal. Paying hush money is not illegal. A gossip mag practicing "catch and kill" is not illegal. 

    If it were specifically for a the most it is campaign finance violation...not a crime.
      December 13, 2018 5:34 AM MST