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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Back in the day before you were hired you'd take tests to see if you were a suitable candidate. Guess what the D.C. test is?

Back in the day before you were hired you'd take tests to see if you were a suitable candidate. Guess what the D.C. test is?

HOW GOOD A LIAR ARE YOU? It cannot be a coinkydink that don and the toady sycophants who service him all lie with such ease and regularity. They had to pass a LIAR'S test and I betcha all of them passed with flying colors! Every single one of them lie automatically  consistently endlessly automatically. I know I said "automatically" twice but it bears repeating. All liars are welcome in D.C. Many openings at many levels. A LIAR'S paradise! The pay is real good and so are the bennies. You will work with folks just exactly like you so getting along with your co-workers is assured. Y'all interested?

Posted - December 19, 2018
