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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Methinks that what is currently going down vis a vis the don et famille is silencing trumpicans. They disappeared. Where are they hiding?

Methinks that what is currently going down vis a vis the don et famille is silencing trumpicans. They disappeared. Where are they hiding?

Of course of course of course ya got yer Sarah Huckabee Sanders (who even after the Flynn admitted to the judge that he had indeed lied to the feds and that he was NEVER entrapped by the feds) insisted he was a victim of entrapment. She is a very good robot that never breaks down and always says exactly and precisely what she has been programmed to say no matter what occurs that makes her look very foolish and a bigly liar. Good for her. Keep it up Sarah. Just think of all the jobs that await you once the don is gone? What a future you have. Yep.

Posted - December 20, 2018
