Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Where were we December 2017? Compared to where we are December 2018 have we progressed, regressed, remained immobile?
We are all just posting the same things we were posting a year ago! Only we are a year older. Doesn't sound like much change to me. Hope I am still alive a year from now and am planning on being.
As far as what Trump has done or as far as what we have done?
In 2017, I saw Dems hiding and waiting. I saw Mueller putting nose to grindstone. I saw many books being published that pointed out exactly what Trump was doing in the White House compared to what he SAID he was doing. I saw Trump pointing the finger everywhere except where it belonged, at HIMSELF.
And now? 2018 WE GOT BACK THE HOUSE. We got back enough power to end this maniac. END HIM. And we get to watch him cook his own goose once and for all.
GOD BLESS 2019 Hopefully we get him out before he pushes the BUTTON.