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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "The Trump presidency will be a joke presidency" if there is no wall. I believe it was the Coulter who said it. The don a JOKE? Really?

"The Trump presidency will be a joke presidency" if there is no wall. I believe it was the Coulter who said it. The don a JOKE? Really?

He looks weak if he breaks a promise again. He loses bigly. But maybe y'all will roll over once again and make excuses for him and pretend you don't notice he lied to you.

Posted - December 20, 2018


  • 46117

    Who cares WHAT Ann Coulter says about ANYTHING?

    She is the bottom of the barrel.  Jeannine Pirro and her are lying sociopaths too stupid to even know how to speak to anyone that is not a bottom feeder.  Please don't waste your time on this moron.  She is an insult to women everywhere.  To human beings, actually.

    No one gives a crap about that stupid wall.   No one.  People are not crying for any wall.  He keeps bringing it up and that is the stupidest ploy ever.  The best part is that if it DOES get built in some fantasy dream world, then he will be exposed for sure for all to see. Because the debt will go up another trillion and the wall will do nothing at all to keep anyone out that really is hell bent on entering this country.  The corrupt will find a way.  Not the decent people.  The corrupt will actually infiltrate Trump's beloved Border.  The wall will draw the corrupt.  But of course, bimbo does not see anything except how macho he will look.  No one thinks that fat, bloated moron who has to pay porn stars for sex is in the LEAST macho.   Except his base.

    Has anyone heard the tapes between him and the President of Mexico?  Him telling the President that he TRUMP could care less about the wall, but he needs the President of Mexico to just SAY that Mexico will pay for the wall.  

    WHY WOULD ANYONE SAY THAT, YOU monkey brain?  WHY.  And then it is on TAPE.

    What a stupid jerk.  

      December 20, 2018 10:58 AM MST