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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Da prez wants to "tighten the requirements" for being eligible to get food stamps. Wants to reduce the budget. Isn't he grand guy?

Da prez wants to "tighten the requirements" for being eligible to get food stamps. Wants to reduce the budget. Isn't he grand guy?

Wonder what sumptuous elegant scrumptious food the corpulent prez will enjoy on Christmas Day?  Wonder if as he is devouring anything and everything he feels the slightest tiniest iota of guilt about those who will go hungry? Naw. That ain't his style. He is all about upbeat and starving children certainly don't qualify. Do they?

Posted - December 21, 2018


  • 46117
    Fat.  He will eat fat meat, fat vegetables and fat desserts.

    May he be clogged up forever.    He needs to put all that fat away into his corpulent, bloated, cellulited body, because when he is in Jail, the food will be less fat.   Everything on that body is huuuge, except for his manhood.  Told by the one who would know, Stormy Daniels.

      December 21, 2018 5:53 AM MST