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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » These are a coupla headlines vis a vis Secretary of Defense quitting and leaving. True according to you or just fake news?

These are a coupla headlines vis a vis Secretary of Defense quitting and leaving. True according to you or just fake news?

"Mattis exit paves way for global chaos"
"Mattis puts trump presidency in peril"

Is Mattis value way overrated since  da prez said so long ago told us in no uncertain terms that he knows MORE than the generals and well Mattis is a General so why in the he** is he needed in the first place? You save paying him a salary which means more money to pay for whatever the prez wants to do for his own benefit like traveling to Mar a Lago or to his multifarious numerous golf courses. That should come first always. The care and feeding of a president..

Posted - December 21, 2018
